Thursday, September 10, 2009

Keeping the Joy Alive

(Pastor Harlan preached this in the afternoon and evening of September 6, 2009, during JTKR Christian Church's anniversary.)

Joy - mentioned 165 times in the Bible (King James Version). Its alternative term, "gladness", was mentioned 47 times.
- Greek "chara" (joy); "chairo (rejoice)
  1. Joy Thrives in Clear Conscience (Psalm 32:1)
  2. Joy Thrives in Positive Thinking (Philippians 1:25; Philippians 4:8)
  3. Joy Thrives in Good Name (Proverbs 22:1; Ecclesiastes 7:1)
  4. Joy Thrives in Forgiving Others (Matthew 6:15; Acts 8:23; Hebrews 12:15)
  5. Joy Thrives in Peaceful Harmony (Philippians 2:1-2)
  6. Joy Thrives in Purposeful Living (Philippians 2:17; James 1:2-3)
  7. Joy Thrives in Generous Sharing (Acts 20:35)
Christian joy is more than an emotional experience or physical expression. It is a spiritual state that one acquires when he receives Christ as Lord and Savior, and a condition one should maintain as he travels the road of life. Life is not always a bed of roses. But it is always our choice if we allow the thorns to bruise us.

Enjoy life. No one else will do on your behalf.

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